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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

John Strong on Principles

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Mumbai:  The general conception of stars is that they will be willing to do it for money. But this has not been the case with John Abraham. The sources report that the actor was offered a ransom money of 6crore for performing at a high profile wedding and this was to be held at Dubai and Delhi. But the actor politely refused the offer and he mentioned that due to personal reasons he wont be doing it. Sources mention that 

" The academic background from which the actor comes in makes him live a life under his own principles. Those near to him is quite aware of this and he seldom breaks any of his rules and not performing on birthdays and parties is one such rule"

When asked whether this was the arrogance as an actor, the sources did mention:

"This is certainly not the arrogance of the actor which makes him make such a statement instead, it is with much humility that the actor refuses to perform. He believes in his work and believes in working on-screen and likes to maintain the exclusive nature of being actor"

When John was contacted about this issue, he mentioned:

"Ever since the start of my career I have been receiving these offers and I have been refusing them from the start. The only change I find in these offers is that the money rate has increased each year"

"It has been my principle from the start of my career that I dont perform in marriages, birthday parties, and similar and I also do not attend Award functions. This has been my personal restrictions and I do have great respect for others who does this. I also make it a point not to endorse any smoking or alcohol products, there is lot of dont's that I have!"

John remembers that once he was contacted by a person to attend a birthday party, he requested them to pay the money for charity and he will be happy to meet them for which the organizers disagreed. John said "People want to spend lavishly on these events as it has become a status symbol for them to organize the parties in such manner. Although I agree that everyone does have the choice of spending money and what they spend on"

"I have been told by people not near and dear to me that I should accept the offer, but I will rather not, as an actor there should be some exclusivity to you and I love to maintain it"

When asked about the 6 crore loss he did in business, the actor said " As I mentioned there had been offers from the start and money just goes up each year, people may call me stupid for not accepting it but unfortunately that's the way I am"

John for you!!


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Updated at: Wednesday, August 24, 2011


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