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Monday, August 29, 2011

Shah Rukh Suffers!

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Mumbai: The King Khan is known for his dedication to work and it doesn't matter what banner he works on the sincerity does show in. There has been many injuries due to this attitude of Shah Rukh Khan but he still comes out of it quite marvelously, after the quite famous 'Shoulder' injury of Khan, the latest news is that he is sufferring from a Knee injury.

King Khan is currently postponing the treatment for this injury as he is in the post production works for Ra.One which is due to be released on the October 26th this year. Doctors seems to have advised surgery to the actor for which hee mentioned that he wont undergo the surgery procedure until the movie hits screen.

The latest tweet does show his desire to keep on working:


So we are eagerly waiting for your new movie and get well soon!

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Updated at: Monday, August 29, 2011


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