Sonam Kapoor has now started the war of words and she is handling the media quite perfectly. She was responding to the rumors about a cold war between her and Abhay Deol. The fight was triggered at the sets of 'Aisha' when the pair had worked together and there were issues between Anil Kapoor and Abhay. Anil Kapoor even went to say that 'Abhay needs help' in every possible ways!!
Since then the pair hasn't worked together or being offered movies by her dad's production house. But things are going to change with Rajkumar Santhoshi's next movie where Abhay and Sonam will come together. When 'zoom' asked her about the fight between her and Abhay, she calmly said "I never had any problems with Abhay. In fact, I'm talking about it for the first time here. All the problems were between him and my dad, Anil Kapoor. The war-of-words, or so to say, was never between us."
We hope the sets dont have any more war-of-words for your future project too!
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- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, December 22, 2011
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