Yesteryear Star Rajesh Khanna has not included estranged wife Dimple Kapadia in his property will. It is said that the Bollywood’s first superstar owned almost 1000cr property. According to the will, Khanna distributed all his property to his two daughters Twinkle and Rinkie.
Rinkie Khanna is married to industrialist Sameer Saran while Twinkle is married to the Khiladi of Bollywood, Akshay Kumar.
According to the document Twinkle and Rinkie are now the owners of the property, liquidity investments and bank accounts of their father.
Six months back, when Rajesh Khanna had visited Lilavati Hospital for a health check up, he had realised that he doesn’t have much time in his hands. It was just 10-15 days before his death, he decided to write a will, analysing his deteriorating health. Kaka was shivering due to illness while signing the will. A source close to Khanna family said that the drafted will was read in front of Dimple Kapadia, son-in-law Akshay Kumar and daughters Twinkle and Rinkie.
The exclusion of Dimple from Kaka’s assets came as a shock to all since Dimple, was the one who took care of her husband in his battling days as cancer overtook his health.
Rajesh was 15 years older than Dimple when he deeply fell in love with her and decided to marry her at any cost. The couple tied the knot in March, 1973 after Dimple's first Bollywood flick Bobby got released.
However the marriage did not last long and the couple separated in 1984 as Khanna's busy schedule kept him away much of the time and Dimple became interested in pursuing an acting career. Reports said that Kaka restricted Dimple from taking up acting as her career again. Some sources say that Rajesh's disloyalty due to his rumoured affairs broke Dimple’s trust otherwise she would not have left him.
At the age of 69 Kaka took his last breath on July19. Dimple and his entire family was there by his side in his last moment.
- Unknown Updated at: Monday, July 30, 2012
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