Actor Ranbir Kapoor had been summoned by a court in Udaipur for smoking in public. The actor was accused of a criminal offence by the Udaipur court. The actor was found smoking in a public place during the shooting for ‘Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani’ at Ghangaur Ghat, Udaipur on May 28.
On Thursday bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor pleaded guilty to charges of smoking publicly in Rajasthan’s Udaipur district about four months ago.
The complaint was lodged by a local residing in the Ghangaur Ghat area, Harish Vaishnav after which the Udaipur Court has directed the Ghanta Ghar Police to register a bail able offense under the Rajasthan Anti- Smoking Act. Harish Vaishnav spotted pictures of the actor smoking and the pictures appeared in local newspapers as well.
Ranbir was summoned by Udaipur court on 26th June 2012. The actor was booked for violating Section 5 of the Rajasthan Prevention of Smoking Act.
Ranbir Kapoor also sought exemption from personal appearance in the case. Advocate K K Purohit, who represented the actor in court said that, "Harish Vaishanav had approached the court saying that the actor violated the law by smoking publicly. The court issued a summon to the actor on May 31. The summon was delivered to his house in Mumbai by police recently."
K. K. Purohit said that, "We filed an application pleading guilty to the charges under the Rajasthan Prevention of Smoking Act and seeking exemption for Kapoor's personal appearance before the court."
K. K. Purohit pleaded the offence was mistakenly committed by Ranbir and that the actor has assured the court this kind of thing will not be repeated again.
He added that, "We filed an application pleading guilty to the charges under the Rajasthan Prevention of Smoking Act and seeking exemption for Kapoor's personal appearance before the court."
The court has fixed 27th August 2012 for the next hearing in the case.
Prior to Ranbir Kapoor Shah Rukh Khan was also summoned and that too for the same reason: Smoking in public in Rajasthan.
According to the Rajasthan Prevention of Smoking Act, a person found guilty of smoking in public can be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of six months or a fine of Rs 200.
- Unknown Updated at: Sunday, July 29, 2012
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