We are gonna start by saying that this initiative has been novel and to the heart - as Aamir Khan had mentioned in promos. There has been many sensitive issues been discussed in the famous show by Aamir Khan, Satyamev Jayate, which in three months of its airing has become a phenomenon and a routine for Sunday audience.
The show has been successful and had minor impacts on the society, but now Aamir Khan is getting criticized for the format of the show and how it was manipulated for TRP's instead of acting on the issue. The criticizers claim that it was mere PR from the actor to gain an empathy towards him and also have a positive attitude of the audience towards his movies and himself as a person! (Really? Do you believe this, feel free to comment).
"I don't think I fancy myself as some good Samaritan," Khan told Reuters in an interview last Friday.
"I have tried to use my skill sets to the best of my abilities. Reaching out and telling people stories, tugging at your heartstrings, that's where my skill-sets lie", he said.
"We are combining journalism with good story-telling." adds in Aamir Khan. The show which was aired on 9 Star - owned channels had a combined viewership of 800 million and has already registered 1.4 million fans on facebook and twitter. This happened for no reason but the mere impact and seriousness that happened over the discussions - still the person who was responsible for this gets criticized!
The show which did make impact in Rajasthan and has helped female foeticide in Rajasthan (news here) also there has been serious talks about the issues he had discussed in the show, which includes child molestation, dowry issues, Health sector issues, Caste issues, Human scavenging and the like. Aamir was also present before the parliamentary committee to produce evidences on the malpractices in medical profession (news here) - these all adds into the positives of the show - but there is a shortcoming that there has not been any effective law or changes happening to current laws, but as we all understand, there is still a missing magic wand that would change things overnight!
S. Anand, a journalist who also runs a publishing house that focuses on caste issues, wrote a scathing article in Outlook magazine, accusing Khan's handling of caste issues as being "manipulative and fake".
Media observers say Khan has benefited hugely from his great public relations skills.
"He has a certain image that he would like to project through his movies and television - that of an intelligent Bollywood actor who cares and wants to do something for the country," media columnist Sevanti Ninan told Reuters. "He's not just a star. He's also clever about his PR."
The reason which is cited behind these happenings is the occasional tears and hugs that Aamir offers to the guests at his show - but aint that natural? criticism just for the sake of it should be ignored in our opinion - We know that Aamir Khan, if he wanted a better PR could have done a different show and if it was for monetary gains - he could have done a better show of games and dance! We are unsure if the critics understand that he was spending his own money to produce and broadcast the show!
The 13-weeks with the 47-year old actor showed him as a normal human being reacting to the issues that were brought forward - it also attracted the eyes of many more popular politicians. And Aamir says just few words to the criticism that he received “The attempt is to look inward. The attempt is to see what am I doing wrong? What can I do better? What can I learn about this issue which I don’t know already?” says Aamir.
So that would be the best answer to his critics on the issue, think and decide what can be done, we cannot deny the fact that there were many movements prior to Aamir, but his move cannot be marked as feeble or simple - it has attracted many - inspired many and will continue to do so!
Satyamev Jayate!
- Unknown Updated at: Tuesday, July 31, 2012
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