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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Petcare : Water Requirement for Pet Dogs

In :


When it comes to taking care of pet diet, water is the most important factor that should be taken into consideration. Along with the regular diet of the pet, you should provide it the ample supply of clean and clear water for drinking to maintain metabolism. Usually the requirement of water for a pet depends a lot on the diet that it is currently on, the type of food, environmental temperature, amount of excercise and the physiological state.

Dogs should have water supply whole day or atleast three times a day. The total water intake should be 80ml/kg of body weight and this includes the water supply through watery foods. The water requirement for the dog per Kg of body weight is 70ml/kg provided the dog is fed with dry foods.

But if you give your pet with more watery foods, or juicy items which have almost 75% of water then the water requirement will be 20ml for each Kg of body weight.

Weight Of Dog  Requirement of Water
15 Kgs 355ml
25 Kgs 709ml
35 Kgs 1093ml
45 Kgs 1448ml

Updated at: Saturday, December 15, 2012