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Monday, December 17, 2012

Social : The missing innocence

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Ofcourse, I am writing in this with shock - after the Connecticut mishap! The investigators are trying to find out the cause for this mishap, and we hope we do have a good reason why it happened. I feel for the parents who lost their young ones at such tender age, all killed were under 10 years of age, which makes this whole episode more brutal.

Adam Lanza, the assailant was also mentioned to have shot himself as soon as he heard the forces coming in. The youngster was also found to have extreme precision in firing his shots, which does prove that he was trained. The investigators also found that he had killed his mother, and shots were said to be fired on to her head, before Adam left for the school.

Nancy Lanza, mother of Adam Lanza and a divorcee, was a survivalist and had been preparing herself for the economical collapse. But it seems her strategy fooled herself. Investigators are assuming that it may have been the survivalist nature in her, that she trained her son Adam in using these deadly weapons, but this must be a wakeup call for all those who do practice with their kids claiming the 'survivalist' tag.

Just trying to find out what went wrong will not be good, but what can be done to prevent this from happening should also be included. The kid, if he had mental issues, as the schoolmates claim him to be, should have been watched more closely by the parents or his teachers, unfortunately this is still unknown whether a proper care was given to the kid.

I might be rambling but few things should have been taken care of :

* Kids are not good judges of using a weapon, so please keep that out of their reach and probably keep them locked so that it doesn't come out without your knowledge!

* Take care of your kid, talk to them understand what they are missing rather than leaving them alone to live with their own thoughts. There might be critics questioning this but, for me, I am sure only parents can understand what their child goes through and how they will react.

* Adams parents got divorced around 6 or 7 years earlier which should have also affected the mental health of the kid, so if it isn't too serious, avoid going to the position where you will have to see off each other, atleast have a thought about kids

* Money isn't the only requirement, if you ignore family for work and reach to the topmost position in an industry and still have your child missing you or caught up in a mishap, then the point of being successful just gets down to few books/magazine covers and die along - just ask richer people if they are truly happy!

Innocence is a boon given to every kid on this planet by God, and it is us who fill it in with the hatred, classifications and violence. So if a kid gets bad, be bold enough to take the blame and not just take it, try to correct it. No one else is as powerful as you in getting your kid alright, it has been happening for centuries and it will continue forward.

God Bless!

Updated at: Monday, December 17, 2012