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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cities Preparing Hard To Get Selected For 2024 Olympics Venue

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Tokyo may have only been named 2020 Olympic Games hosts on Saturday, but almost immediately the debate began about what the result means for the 2024 race to host the world's biggest sporting event.

An Asian candidate or at least east Asian appears to be out of the question as Tokyo's win means the region will host two successive Games - the South Korean resort of Pyeongchang hosting the 2018 Winter Games.

However, the failure of Madrid and Istanbul to secure the Games opens up plenty of opportunities for prospective bidders from Europe - Paris and Rome have been mentioned - and the Middle East/Gulf region with Doha once again trying and on this occasion hoping for the first time they make the short list.

There is also set to be an American candidacy, having gone away, licked their wounds and recovered from Chicago's humiliating last place for the 2016 Games.

With far better relations between the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) they would be a formidable opponent and capital city Washington is one being thought of as a candidate.

Madrid's third successive rejection -- which left the bid team stunned as they saw votes they thought they had melt away -- probably precludes another run.

Juan Antonio Samaranch Junior, International Olympic Committee (IOC) member and a driving force behind the bid, joked on Sunday about a remark he made during the presentation on Saturday as he addressed the two IOC members from Japan and Istanbul.

"On Saturday I stood here and joked that I wished you both luck, but for the 2024 Games bid....perhaps that is what I should now be thinking about!"

Madrid's probable absence leaves the way open for Paris and Rome, though, both will face huge hurdles to convince IOC members they are worthy of hosting them.

Paris and French sporting administrators still bear the deep scars of their defeat to London for the 2012 Games, and the humiliation of Annecy's candidature for the 2018 Winter Games compounded that when they received just seven votes.

IOC members still have deep reservations about a French bid. "The faultlines are still there. Namely there is an arrogance and the feeling when you talk to them that they have not really taken on board the reasons that saw them lose to London," one European IOC member told AFP under condition of anonymity.

"They are still very insular, the French way is the only way. "However, put in the hands of a professional international lobbying outfit that could knock them into shape. On the face of it a Paris bid still has the knockout value that perhaps, with all due respect, Madrid lacked."

Rome may suddenly see a golden opportunity opening up. Their decision to withdraw on the eve of the deadline for candidacies for the 2020 race because of Italy's dire economic state may have been a wise one in retrospect, but many wonder if it is capable of hosting a Games in the 21st century.

Transport, given Rome's daily traffic congestion, and its creaking infrastructure, plus a lack of stadia, could see a very high cost bid.

Some from Istanbul have suggested going straight back into the fray, believing the Syrian civil war will be a thing of the past plus the very good impression the bid made gives them a groundbase of votes and a launching pad.

However, Doha are determined to add hosting the Olympic Games to the football World Cup and no expense will be spared for them and not Istanbul to become the first predominantly Muslim country to host the Games.

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Updated at: Sunday, September 08, 2013


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