The recent study has confirmed that a sleep period of 6-8 hours is the optimal count to reduce heart risks. The research was done by Dr Saurabh Aggarwal of Chicago Medical School. Based on his research he found that people who do sleep between the 6-8 hour mark are less likely to have cardiovascular events.
Dr Aggarwal in his research paper has found that people who sleep less than six hours a night were twice as likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke, compared to those who sleep between six and eight hours, News reported.This doesn't mean that you can overdo it, if you plan to sleep more than 8 hours a day then you are again going on to a high risk zone, the research found that sleeping for more than eight hours doubles the risk of angina and increases likelihood of coronary artery disease by 19 per cent.
So keep it tight and 8 hours should be all good to go. Also do not sleep less, it is tough to say so in the busy schedules that everyone maintain during this era.
- Unknown Updated at: Wednesday, October 09, 2013
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