1983 is an upcoming Malayalam movie written and directed by Arbid Shine. The movie will see Nivin Pauly, Nikki Galrani, Anoop Menon, Joy Mathew, Rajeev Pillai, Jacob Gregory, Saiju Kurup, Aju Varghese, Shine Tom Chacko, Srinda Ashab, Dinesh and Sanju doing the lead roles. The movie talks about how the 1983 World Cup won by Kapil Dev influences a group of youngsters from a village.
The centre character will be Rameshan played by Nivin Pauly, Rameshan is the one among the gang who is heavily influenced by the victory. To support his goals arrives Anoop Menon plays Vijay Menon, who was once a noted Ranji Trophy player and is now a brilliant coach.
The music is done by Gopi Sunder and is expected to hit theater in few more weeks. We are happy to share the first trailer for the movie and hope you enjoy the same. Please do share the page if you like our presentation, it means a lot to us.
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- Unknown Updated at: Monday, February 10, 2014
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