Balayakalasakhi is the upcoming Malayalam movie starring Mammotty and Isha Talwar in lead roles. Written and directed by Pramod Payyanur, the movie is based on 1944 Novel by the same name by veteran writer Vaikom Muhammed Basheer. The movie is set to be released on 6th February 2014.
Balyakalasakhi will debut the director and is supported by strong cast of Biju Menon, KPAC Lalitha and Mammookoya who are in the lead roles. The romantic tragedy movie was a memorable hit when it was first made a movie in 1967 by Sasikumar. And the Pramod Payyanur will be aiming at a bigger success with his debut.
The story revolves around childhood sweethearts Majeed (Mammootty) and Suhra (Isha Talwar). Born to rich parents, Majeed falls in love with his not-so-affluent neighbour Suhra. After her father's death, when Suhra struggles to make both ends meet, Majeed pleads with his father to sponsor her education. Refused, he wanders off to distant lands.
Balyakalasakhi has six songs and four karaoke versions. The producers have employed Raghavan Master and Shahabaz Aman to compose two kinds of music — the classic and the contemporary — in the film.
The movie is released in the banner of Red Cinema and Living Art Film Factory.
Balyakalasakhi is produced by MB Muhsin and Sajeeb Hashim
We hope you enjoy the presentation and we will keep updating the movie teasers and trailers as soon as they are released so please keep track to visit the page again. And as always, please hit a like or share the page if you enjoy the presentation. If you want us to change anything, just add in a comment to the page and we will make the change for you. Thank you.
Balyakalasakhi Poster starring Mammootty and Isha Talwar - Releases on 6th Feb |
Balyakalasakhi will debut the director and is supported by strong cast of Biju Menon, KPAC Lalitha and Mammookoya who are in the lead roles. The romantic tragedy movie was a memorable hit when it was first made a movie in 1967 by Sasikumar. And the Pramod Payyanur will be aiming at a bigger success with his debut.
The story revolves around childhood sweethearts Majeed (Mammootty) and Suhra (Isha Talwar). Born to rich parents, Majeed falls in love with his not-so-affluent neighbour Suhra. After her father's death, when Suhra struggles to make both ends meet, Majeed pleads with his father to sponsor her education. Refused, he wanders off to distant lands.
Balyakalasakhi has six songs and four karaoke versions. The producers have employed Raghavan Master and Shahabaz Aman to compose two kinds of music — the classic and the contemporary — in the film.
The movie is released in the banner of Red Cinema and Living Art Film Factory.
Balyakalasakhi is produced by MB Muhsin and Sajeeb Hashim
We hope you enjoy the presentation and we will keep updating the movie teasers and trailers as soon as they are released so please keep track to visit the page again. And as always, please hit a like or share the page if you enjoy the presentation. If you want us to change anything, just add in a comment to the page and we will make the change for you. Thank you.
- Unknown Updated at: Tuesday, February 04, 2014
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