Presenting the first trailer for the upcoming tamil movie Idhu Kathirvelan Kadhal. The movie set in romantic comedy genre will see Udhayanidhi Stalin back on silver screen and this time it will be Nayanthara who will lead the movie alongside Stalin and the fun and spice will be added by Santhanam. The combination of Udhayanidhi and Santhanam had worked magic in "oru kal oru kannadi", first movie for Udhaynidhi Stalin, we hope this works again in the new movie.
The hit counts on youtube is over 2 lakhs in 2 days, which is quite a positive sign for the movie. Idhu Kathirvelan Kadhal is written and directed by S R Prabhakaran and produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin.
Harris Jayaraj joins the team once again to add in the magical satire to the movie. The movie will have Sunder Ramu, Saranya Ponvannan and Chaya Singh playing supporting roles. The movie initially had Hansika to play the lead role, but was later replaced by Nayantara.
Idhu Kathirvelan Kadhal Poster |
The hit counts on youtube is over 2 lakhs in 2 days, which is quite a positive sign for the movie. Idhu Kathirvelan Kadhal is written and directed by S R Prabhakaran and produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin.
Harris Jayaraj joins the team once again to add in the magical satire to the movie. The movie will have Sunder Ramu, Saranya Ponvannan and Chaya Singh playing supporting roles. The movie initially had Hansika to play the lead role, but was later replaced by Nayantara.
The movie has 5 songs and we will try to add the videos as soon as they are released. So please keep track of this page. The songs listed on album are :
- Mele Mele - Karthik
- Anbe Anbe - Harish Raghavendra, Harini
- Sara Sara Saravedi - KK, MK Balaji, Srilekha Parthasarathy
- Vizhiye - Aalaap Raju
- Palakku Devathaiye - Jassie Gift, Velmurugan, Jayamoorthy
The movie will be a valentine release and will be a gift for romance crazy fans!
We will keep adding more songs and teasers as soon as they are released. So please keep checking the page for more updates. As always, hit a like or share the page if you enjoy the presentation. This means a lot to us. Thank you!
We will keep adding more songs and teasers as soon as they are released. So please keep checking the page for more updates. As always, hit a like or share the page if you enjoy the presentation. This means a lot to us. Thank you!
- Unknown Updated at: Monday, February 10, 2014
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