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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rajnikanth wont Do actions Sequences!

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Rajnikanth will not do Actions!
The superstar has been known for his action sequences dance moves and style! But the 'Ranaa' shoots will miss the action by the star, the recent reports mention that Rajnikanth wont be doing any action sequences in the movie. During his treatment in Singapore, he is said to have undergone a kidney transplant which is currently preventing him from doing so.

The sources mention that earlier the director of the movie K.S. Ravikumar had already shot the action sequences in the movie with the stunt double for the superstar, but Rajnikanth during his treatment at Singapore insisted that he will like to do the action himself. Unfortunately with the twist of fates, the action sequences will be continued by the double.

We hope the movie wont loose its essence due to this change!

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Updated at: Tuesday, July 19, 2011


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