According to sources, the use of the word King is said to be must for his upcoming movie Don 2. It is Shahrukh Khan back in the news and the sources mention that he wishes to be called the King again. There has been many claims and issues the last time he did mention that but the trailers of Don 2 does crown him back the King. There has been active promos during the shows of ZNMD mentioning the return of the King.

This shouldn't be a big news as he is already crowned as the King of bollywood a long time ago and the King brand has been attached to Shahrukh quite a long time. King Khan, Badshaah of Bollywood are few common phrases for Shahrukh. Other Khans doesn't seem to be as interested in the titles or may be missing the flick but Akshay Kumar did have a King Kumar brand running during the time of Singh is King and the following set.
We truly agree that you are King Khan and we await in anticipation for the release of Don 2.
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- Unknown Updated at: Monday, July 18, 2011
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