The actress turned jewelry designer Neelam Kothari was surprised to see the article claiming her to be responsible for the latest and hot gossip in b-town. We are speaking about the alleged love affair between Shah Rukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra. It was earlier reported that the rumor about their affair was headed by Neelam and she was taking special interest in promoting this news across various medias.
Neelam has been so furious about these articles that she has used twitter to her benefit and says "Don't know how to react to a certain article that has come out today, claiming that I am responsible for starting certain rumours. I'm shocked and hurt with these allegations!! This is the first time in the whole of my career I have been dragged into a controversy.. Not fair at all!! Gauri and Sharukh happen to be my dear friends and will continue to be so.. Would never say anythin derogatory about them."
The cause for her spreading the rumor was cited as her cat fight with Priyanka Chopra, but she denies that as well "As for Priyanka Chopra... No we have never had a fight.. Get your facts right people!!"
Meanwhile, Priyanka is off to Macau. ''s been a long day. Am so looking forward to my photo shoot in Macau next week where 2 really special people are going to join me! Some of you may already know what I'm talking about. For those who don't... I have something fun in mind... watch this space for more,' she wrote.
As for Shah Rukh, he just wants to be left alone. 'its sometimes better people don't get to know u...cos the more they know u...the less they understand & accept you. Alone is better, wot say,' he tweeted.
It seems that Both Priyanka and Shahrukh seems to be unaffected by the rumors and are just waiting it to slide out!
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- Unknown Updated at: Friday, January 13, 2012
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