Madhuri Dixit has been hunted by the media right from her return to Mumbai and each of the news reporters are scanning her to find what projects are she committed to. But Madhuri herself has confirmed that there has been no positive stories that she has signed up for and she is still awaiting a good role. The current filmmakers that have approached the actress has not been able to convince Madhuri on committing to the role.
Madhuri recently mentioned “I have offers, but I haven’t accepted any. I decided to endorse a new channel because it suits me. I have to shoot for a smaller duration, the philosophy of the channel is similar to my life’s, and it leaves me with ample time for my sons (Arin and Ryan),”. On her return to Mumbai, she has been mostly concentrating on her family and avoiding the offers that did come her way. The 44-year old actress was unhappy about the reports that she had signed up for various projects which includes, Madhur Bhandarkar's sequel to the movie 'Fashion' and the sequel for 'Ishqiya'. “I don’t want to speak about Dedh Ishqiya. It’s pointless to talk about a project I haven’t been offered," said the actress. She mentioned the same for Fashion too.
Madhuri is currently busy endorsing a new channel and she has done the shoots for the promo which should be out soon.
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- Unknown Updated at: Friday, January 13, 2012
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