Amitabh Bachchan is all set to make another super hit with his singing as he completes the song for the Vidya Balan starrer 'Kahaani', on tuesday the superstar posted "Just back from work, music lets you forget time! Vishal (Dadlani) and Shekhar (Ravjiani) have done a most inspiring Ekla Cholo... for the film Kahaani, grateful to be a part of Tagore’s masterpiece!"
The song seems to be too tough one to start with and Amitabh ji mentioned that he is ready to get it re recorded until he finds it perfect, but the director Sujoy seems to be happy with the current set. Amit ji says “A Rabindra Sangeet has a structure that is unlike that of a normal Hindi film song,” adding that though he had recorded the song to Sujoy’s satisfaction, he himself wasn’t happy. “I plan to re-record it, again and again if necessary, till I get it right. Otherwise, not just by the Bengalis who consider me their ‘jamai babu’ (son-in-law), my head will be chopped off in my own house.”
The director feels that this song was essential for the movie, he says that when the worldly-wise pessimism around her is a downer and Vidya needs someone who will tell her, ‘If no one listens to your call, walk alone, don’t be afraid…’ “That message is inherent in Tagore’s Jodi Tor Daak Shune Keu Na Aashe Tobe Ekla Cholo Re… but to convey it I needed a commanding voice that you would listen to and believe in and whose better than Mr Bachchan’s,” reasons Sujoy. “It’s a bonus that he also happens to be a very good singer.”
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- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, February 09, 2012
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