Shahrukh Khan will soon be seen on home televisions with the set of muscles he had carved during the Om Shanti Om days, this will be for the endorsement of undergarment brand. Although he had earlier dropped the offer (2010) he has now planned to take it up.
Ever since he has toned his muscles, SRK is considered to be one of the fittest heroes in the industry following Salman Khan and Aamir Khan, who had already shown their carved body to the audience. An insider from the ad industry says "His 6-pack abs was an achievement of sorts. He showed that Shah Rukh could do it, too! And he hasn't let himself go after that. First he was a first-class romantic, now he is also fit and fine and classy!"
Also when questioned who among the Khans were best, the source added "Each of them are considered to be the best and it depends on the target audience that we choose the star".
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- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, February 09, 2012
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