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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Veer producer takes Salman Khan to court

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A few months back, Salman Khan had accused Vijay Galani for not paying his dues for the film Veer (released in 2010), which amounted to Rs 15 crores, a charge which the producer denied. Then the film governing body FWICE (Federation of Western India Cine employees) banned him from film making following a complaint by Salman. The ‘Veer’ producer Vijay Galani is not giving up without a fight. Producer of the 2010 film Veer, has taken his war against Salman Khan to the court. The producer has filed a complaint against FWICE a couple of days back. The case will be heard at the Dindoshi court.

Vijay Galani said, "The Non-Cooperation Directive issued against me is illegal. If it had to be issued, it had to be in conjunction with AMTPP (Association of Motion Pictures Producers’ Association). But AMTPP has not endorsed it. I can make a film whenever I want to. This is sheer torture. I want to resolve this. I have done no wrong. Unnecessarily, people have accused me of not paying Salman his dues. I am clean. I know what I am saying. I have kept quiet for too long. Not anymore though,” and added, “Why doesn’t Salman talk to me if he has a problem? You know what, I have met him at least seven to eight times in the past and he has never mentioned anything about an outstanding payment for Veer. Yes, I know he has lodged a complaint against me in FWICE. So what? He doesn’t have the papers to prove that I have to give him any money.”

And now, the film maker Vijay Galani has filed a case against the film governing body. He said, "I do not owe any money to Salman. Let the Court decide now. I cannot tolerate this nonsense any longer."

Dharmesh Tiwari the President of FWICE, said that they have done no wrong in issuing the Non-Cooperation Directive against Galani. "We are fighting for FWICE and Salman Khan. My lawyer will deal with this now in Court. I don't want to say anything further on this for now."

A source close to Salman said, "He is not giving up his demand of money from Galani so easily. He is a member of FWICE and they will fight Galani in court."

Time to wait and watch who gets justice.

Author : Suja , a management trainee, programmer, movie enthusiast and a fashion critic who loves to enjoy each moment of her life and is crazy  about music! She calls herself the freak!

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Updated at: Thursday, March 01, 2012


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