Randeep Hooda, the promising name is finally coming to the light with the Bhatt's, he has been a talented actor which was first recognized by RGV. The actor seems to have found yet another camp that really suits his tough looks and it is the Bhatt camp, the very same camp which made Emraan Hashmi rule the industry with nothing but shear talent. The outrageous topics which the Bhatt camp chooses to deal with is always justified by the exclusive and power packed performances by its actors.
Randeep, who is the latest recruit to the camp will be seen in Jannat 2 which is awaiting release next month and will also been seen opposite Sunny Leone in Jism 2. The two hot sex symbols, Emraan and Randeep will be seen once again after 'Once Upon A Time In Mumbai', and this time it is said to be much more colorful than what we had seen in OUATIM. The duo had already sparked with the performances at the time and this time with Jannat 2, they deal with the same controversial weapon trade.
When these two guys come together, media is already finding similarities between the two leads. Both have been appreciated for their sensuous roles that has been handled, the tag of serial kisser still remains with Emraan Hashmi although Randeep has done much more hot scenes and bold scenes than what Emraan has done so far. Both have great intensity when handling roles and have portrayed their characters with the utmost natural feel as they could bring it on screen.
A source close to Bhatt's mention "Emraan has always been the Bhatt's boy, but Randeep is the new liking by the camp and is regarded as one of those actors who has immense talent and caliber to handle the toughest of roles".
We are eagerly waiting on the release of Jannat 2!
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- Unknown Updated at: Wednesday, March 28, 2012
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