Juggling between her acting and directorial jobs, Farah Khan is too busy but finds time to clarify the rumors. The next venture of Farah, Happy New Year is massive one and it already has Shah Rukh Khan leading from the front. But the choreographer turned director turned actor has still not announced the leading lady. The opportunity was explored by Tabloids by mentioning that the movie will see Sonakshi Sinha or Parineeti Chopra, the young talents of Bollywood playing opposite SRK. But the director has come forward to clarify this and says that both are not going to be leading from the front.
"We are not in talks with them (Sonakshi and Parineeti). We have not approached any one of them yet. I do meet Sonakshi regularly, she is beautiful and lovely. But we have not yet taken a call," Farah told PTI in an exclusive interview.
"Shah Rukh has just come back from London so we need to sit and work out figure out as to who is right for that role. It is a big role and then there is only one heroine in the film," she said.
The 47-year-old choreographer-filmmaker said she had planned ‘Happy New Year’ (HNY) even before her directorial debut ‘Main Hoon Na’ and was preparing to HNY immediately after ‘Om Shanti Om’.
"I am very excited. We are hoping to create the magic that we did with our earlier films. We have SRK and Boman Irani in the film and the other cast is not finalised yet. I can't talk much about the project," Farah Khan said. As she is hoping for a third successful run for her outing with SRK.
"There are like four heroes and one heroine. Boman is there in the film. We have SRK, Boman and two more heroes. Boman is a full hero now (referring to Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi where he plays the lead)," she said.
The movie is likely to see Abhishek Bachchan and John Abraham in the other two leads, but Farah failed to confirm the other casts and crew.
The shooting for Happy New Year will begin from December this year.
Meanwhile the director is happy about her debut in Shirin Farhad Ki To Nikal Padi, she says "If somebody is making a film where the hero and heroine are 40 plus and it is a romantic comedy, is a great thing to do. For a 47-year-old mother of three, married, making a debut as a lead heroine is a big thing. Looking at this it feels that Indian cinema is changing. I think everyone should be proud of this thing,"
We will wait and see in a few more weeks as to how this goes!
- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, July 26, 2012
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