When Amitabh Bachchan had joined the facebook gang, it was stirring up the fans and each second was awarded with thousand fans and it stands now with a 2.3 million fans for his page. But when the tiger decided to take on facebook, the scene was much different. We are talking about Salman Khan, who recently joined facebook and he currently is roaring loud over the internet. He has reached a fanbase of 2.6 million very close to Shahrukh Khan who now rules with the 2.8 million fans over facebook. The aim of Salman will ofcourse be close to his buddy Aamir Khan who is having the ultimate count of 5.2 million and counting.
Salman Khan has been quite active on facebook since his entry and has been adding his older and new photos in sequence. One can really feel the timeline happening. Salman had tweeted about his entry to facebook in his own style ""Jitne fake pages hain woh ya toh woh join kar le is page ko or kya kahun main? 'Fake off' (So all the fake pages either just join this page or, what can I say, fake off).
"We are opening Being Human stores all over India starting October," he added.
And since his hits are counting on, there is no doubt that when we report this news tomorrow he would have already crossed 4 million likes on his page. The fame for Salman Khan is at an all-time high. He has been having back to back hits since Wanted(2009) and almost all of them except Wanted covered a gross of Rs.100 crore. That is some effort from the star and that is how the fans have been accepting the ultimate action star.
Although this success and fame does come at a cost. Recently Salman Khan found himself vulnerable at Lucknow and was not able to continue shooting. This was for his brother's movie Dabaang 2, it was decided that Lucknow will be the arena for the climax shots and hearing the news a vast crowd had gathered to join Salman Khan and to meet him and this made the situation vulnerable and the shoot was cancelled. It is now decided that Salman Khan will directly come on to Satara.
There is also reports that Salman Khan has doubled his personal security for the same reasons. Salman's head of security Shera confirmed that the security deployed for the actor has indeed been beefed up by 100 per cent. "Earlier, Bhai had six bouncers around him. Now, he has twelve," he said.
Arbaaz had also told the media, "It's been chaotic here. We didn't bring Salman. He will now join us directly at Satara for the shooting of the climax. But the people here gathered in hordes for the shooting in the outdoors probably in the hope that Salman would turn up. And when he didn't, they got restless." speaking about the Lucknow shoots.
Another incident which resulted in beefing up the security happened around Eid, "We had a tough time outside Bhai's residence on Eid. The fans went out of control and the cops had to resort to lathi charge," Shera, the man who has been closest to Salman for the last 15 years told TOI.
So the love is going on to increase and so is the chaos - its a small price to pay for the love he gets from his fans.
- Unknown Updated at: Saturday, September 15, 2012
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