While it's always a good idea to stay hydrated, it's especially important when the temps of summer start rising. Whether you're spending your vacation camping or just doing more outdoor daily activities like biking and walking, staying hydrated is a must.
Be Cool- Nothing satisfies thirst better than a tall glass of cold water. During the summer you need to drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration. Staying well hydrated when it's hot is definitely a must. Intestinal infections such as cholera, typhoid etc find it easy to surface during a warm climate. Eating curd helps increase the friendly bacteria in the intestines. These bacteria promote digestion and boost immunity. Due to sweating, water and many essential minerals are lost from the body which makes you feel tired and sluggish. Coconut water is packed with simple sugars, electrolytes, and minerals that replenish hydration levels. Research suggests that coconut water also has anti-ageing and anticancer properties. Sugar cane juice comes in handy for those who exercise or work out during summers as it contains only natural sugars it not only cools the body but also energizes with a high quantity of carbohydrates and proteins. The nutrients found in sugarcane are beneficial for the functioning of the kidneys, heart and the brain. So drinking coconut water and sugarcane juice during summer is a must. You can also consume musk melon and water melon which comprises of 90 per cent water. Cucumbers, bell peppers and ice-berg lettuce are included in the list of naturally watery food items. They prevent urine from being acidic in the summer. Buttermilk and lemon juice are couple of other drinks that help cool the body and up immunity. Take sips of water while eating meals and snacks. Keep a jug full of ice water, with lemon, lime, orange or cucumber slices in your fridge at home or at work. Choose decaffeinated drinks more often to keep you well hydrated. Drinks with caffeine should be limited to 3 cups per day.
Remember to drink before you get thirsty.
Stay fit– Regular exercise, often done outdoors, is just as important during the hot months of summer as it is during the cooler seasons. Unfortunately outdoor activities often place people at serious risk of dehydration which can lead to other heat related illnesses including heat exhaustion, heat stroke and in severe cases, death. When summer vacation from school arrives, most children spend a great deal of time outdoors being active. Because children have a larger surface area in relation to body mass, they often gain heat faster than adults when the outside air temperature is higher than body temperature. Be sure to drink water before exercising to maximize your workout. When you're spending the day camping or biking, it's important to bring enough water to last the trip. Drinking water before meals, not only will you stay hydrated but you're less likely to overeat. Keep track of your daily water intake. Try this tasty and handy way to keep track of your H2O intake. Keep a reusable bottle with you. Having a water bottle with you at all times is the easiest way to stay hydrated without even thinking about it. Be aware of your thirst and drink fluids often throughout the day. Keep water nearby when you are at work, at school, at play or out and about.

Look Good– Summer causes a bleaching effect on your hair and skin. The heat may damage your hair cuticle resulting in dry, split, frizzy hair and ragged ends. Including amino acids rich in Vitamin E to your daily diet to restore the quality of hair during days of high temperature. Egg whites, sprouts and flax seeds are excellent choices for this purpose. Flax seeds also contribute majorly in the digestion of fat. The heat and humidity leads to formation of wrinkles, age spots, rashes and clogged pores on the skin. Eat lots of mangoes for a smooth skin. Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A and repair the skin cells that preventing it from looking flaky and wrinkly. Vitamin A also promotes the production of skin-building compounds that form new skin cells. Add selenium rich foods, such as cottage cheese, brown rice, eggs, onions, mushrooms and sunflower seeds to your diet. Selenium is an essential mineral for a youthful, glowing skin. It is known to protect skin against UV-induced damage and cancer. Selenium deficiency compromises protective antioxidant enzymes in the skin and can cause abnormalities during summers.
- Unknown Updated at: Tuesday, January 01, 2013