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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Purpose : Of Religion

In :


My Humble attempt to understand the very purpose of religion

A global 2012 poll reports that 59% of the world's population is religious, 23% are not religious, and 13% are atheists.

Religion is something sacred and rather it was intended to build love and harmony among human beings and it separated us from Chimps. The guide which was used to define the way of life that made sure that we do not fight among ourselves. But, on a long run, was justice done to this sacred guide? Did we follow what was written ? Or did we try to follow the easier interpretations by the preachers?

It is evident, the religion has changed a lot from what it used to be, now it is used to generate fear, to grab powers and much more ridiculous things. And if we are to continue with this trend, which makes you increase followers on to each religion and ultimately become the only religion in the world, would that be the best thing to happen to world? No system has survived so, and it will create a chaos. So why is it tough for more intelligent people to understand this?

Religion to me is absolutely personal, it is something which tells you how you can be in control of your mind and thereby your life, it is a book which has events, situations and probable consequences. How you get to face it without harming or causing least harm to your fellow beings. Religion is not to show off, but rather to finding peace when your mind is not at all ready for it and strengthening mind so that you can face any hardships.

Religion is not just the text book and it doesn't say that you should follow each of the words described there to be followed blindly, it should be marked as a reference to see what are the choices you have for a situation and also will define you with the probable outcome of your choice. And I am sure that is how Hindu religion evolved from its start - by Aryans, unfortunately the development was stopped successfully with the introduction of caste systems which did put a full stop to its development. The similar cases can be found with Christians and Muslims. The free thought was stopped and boundaries were laid.

I know you are aware, but just so that I dont miss them, here are some of the most important points to be noted about religion is that, Religion :

* doesn't say to kill someone and get your position secure in the next life or heaven.
* do not advise to build hatred, ego or cursing!
* doesn't say that it is the shortcut to meet god!
* do not preach to divide the society
* does not ask you to bribe god.
* does not guide you to follow the words literally.
* doesn't hide your crimes.
* does not to give you more powers than what is given to you by God himself
* Doesn't wash off your bad deeds unless you repent from heart

Believe in your religion, stop ego to get into the way. Imagine the religion as a text book full of events that will strengthen your mind and describes you with the outcomes of what is not to be done in a social life, if you hate it, make a forest around you and live in the jungle!

I will try to go through few more articles and put in my thoughts on how the very custom originated in second part of this article and will add in a link here. Till then, if I did give you a thought for atleast 5 seconds, then I am glad!

Updated at: Tuesday, January 01, 2013