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Monday, July 22, 2013

Politics: BJP keen to let Narendra Modi Fly to US

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The BJP wants the US administration to lift its travel ban on Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi.

Addressing a press conference here, party president Rajnath Singh said he would take up the issue with US lawmakers in Washington. “I will appeal to the US government to clear the US visa to the Gujarat CM,” he said.

The US government had taken a decision not to give visa to Modi in the wake of the post-Godhra riots of 2002 in Gujarat and serious violation of human rights.

The party had always maintained that Modi was not clamouring for a US visa but criticised the administration on its stand saying he was a democratically elected popular leader of the state.

Modi, who has been nominated as the chairman of BJP election campaign committee, has taken to addressing audiences in the US through video-conferencing.

Singh, who is on a five-day trip to New York and Washington to meet the Indian diaspora, ruled himself out of the prime ministerial race...

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Updated at: Monday, July 22, 2013


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