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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Science : 100 Meter asteroid passes close by earth today

In :

It's the plot of a dozen movies and Sci-Fi books: an asteroid large enough to do serious damage to Earth is spotted just a few days before it sails close to our stellar doorstep.

Faced with the possibility of extinction humanity does the only sensible thing: stream it live on the 'net.

That's what the Slooh Space Camera did today, after Asteroid NE19 zipped past our planet.

Discovered just last week, NE19 was said to be the size of a football field. It's also rather dark, which explains the ever-so-recent detection.

The rock passed 11 Lunar Distances from Earth. That's unsettlingly close, on a scale that escalates to disconcertingly close, worryingly close and Lucifer's Hammer close.

Slooh Space Camera's tracked the object from its Canary Islands observatory and kindly made video of its coverage available to all in the video below.

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Updated at: Tuesday, July 23, 2013


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