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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Science : Pictures of Earth 900 million miles away - Cassini Spacecraft

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Images copyrighted by FoxNews, courtesy: foxnews
Carl Sagan once referred to the Earth as "where we make our stand."

And when seen by NASA's Cassini spacecraft from over 900 million miles away, that pale, blue dot he described suddenly makes sense. It's home -- but just one tiny speck barely visible in the infinite reach of space.

High above the planet Saturn on Friday, Cassini took photographs of that pixel we live on, backlit by Saturn's rings. If you looked at the skies, chances are you were photographed from space by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, almost a billion miles away. You’re not the only one.

For the first time in the nine years the spacecraft had been in orbit, Earth’s inhabitants knew that their photos would be taken and came out to take part in “The Day that the Earth Smiled.” Scientists knew this and a social media campaign had been waged in the weeks prior, urging Earthlings to participate in the worldwide event.

Carolyn Porco, the leader of Cassini’s Imaging Team and the founder of “The Day that the Earth Smiled,” tweeted after the unique interplanetary photo-op, gushing...

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Updated at: Tuesday, July 23, 2013


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