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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just Followed Modi's and Shah's Orders - DIG Vanzara

In :

AHMEDABAD: Jailed DIG DG Vanzara, the man who allegedly carried out successive fake encounters in post-Godhra Gujarat, resigned from the Indian Police Service on Tuesday, accusing the Modi government of betraying its loyal officers "to save its own skin from the CBI" as well as to "gain political benefits".

Vanzara's explosive 10-page resignation letter describes the jailed officers as those who carried out the "proactive policy of zero tolerance for terrorism" which was adopted "at the highest level of its (Gujarat's) hierarchy".

He targets Gujarat's former junior home minister Amit Shah for "betrayal and treachery", but also warns CM Narendra Modi that since the loyal officers were not protected, there was no "one-sided obligation" on Vanzara's part to protect the "traitors sitting in the government".

Vanzara clearly indicates that what he did to counter the jihadi menace was done with the explicit sanction and encouragement of the Gujarat government. In fact, he says the trumpeted success of the "Gujarat model of development" was possible only because of the "sacrifices made by me and my officers in thwarting the onslaught of initial disorder in the state".

He said the CBI would "have to arrest the policy formulators also as we, being field officers, have simply implemented the conscious policy of this government which was inspiring, guiding and monitoring our actions from very close quarters. By this reasoning, I am of the firm opinion that the place of this government, instead of being in Gandhinagar, should either be in Taloja Central Prison at Navi Mumbai or Sabarmati Central Prison at Ahmedabad".

Painting Amit Shah as the main villain, Vanzara wrote that he once adored Modi like a "god", but the CM failed "to rise to the occasion under the evil influence of Amit Shah who usurped his eyes and ears and has been successfully misguiding him".

He says: "I would like to state in the most unambiguous words that this government, thorough the dirty tactics of Amitbhai Shah, is unfortunately managing only for its own self so as to swim and continue to prosper in all directions, while ditching the police officers so as to sink and allow them to die unnatural death by drowning. By adopting such a suicidal path, this government, I am sure, is doing nothing else but is hastening and facilitating its own death by drowning."

He adds: "Apprehending the arrest of political leaders of Gujarat by CBI, all efforts, legal and political, were made by this government to ensure that none of us was released on bail so as to prevent the investigation going from the hands of Gujarat CID to Union CBI. The most heartless and shameful act of betrayal on the part of this government was that when Dinesh M N, and Narendra Amin got released by their own individual efforts, it got their bails cancelled at the earliest opportunity and pushed them back behind the bars of Sabarmati jail."

He goes on to say, "But for the legal and political intrigues, machinations and maneuverings of Amitbhai Shah, the trial of Shohrabuddin encounter case, followed by that of Tulsiram encounter case, would not have gone out of the state of Gujarat." Vanzara further added that "the crux of whole matter is that it was just to facilitate his trivial personal interest of fighting assembly election of 2012 that Shri Amitbhai Shah got the trial transferred and betrayed our trust."

In what seems a warning to Modi, Vanzara says, "As the government has miserably failed in protecting its encounter police, there remains no one-sided obligation on part of me to protect the traitors sitting in this government who almost have pushed patriotic and nationalist police officers into the jaws of death."

Asking Modi not to dump his officers in the quest for power in Delhi, Vanzara says the chief minister "has very rightly been talking of repaying his debt which he owes to Mother India... But, it would not be out of context to remind him that he, in the hurry of marching towards Delhi, may kindly not forget to repay the debt which he owes to jailed police officers who endowed him with the halo of Brave Chief Minister among the galaxy of other Chief Ministers who do not bear the same adjective before their names. This, as per my humble opinion, is also a part of the repayment of debt to Mother India."

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Updated at: Wednesday, September 04, 2013


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