Narendra Modi is the new hit brand in India. It has been less than a month since the Gujarat CM was announced as the BJP's PM candidate for the 2014 Lok Sabha polls but brand NaMo is already gaining steam.
The Narendra Modi android smart phone called Smart NaMo has created a buzz among mobile buyers and fans of the BJP leader.
The game on the Google Play Store called Modi Run has seen many people rush to download and play the game. The game created by Dexati was released on Android phones via the Google Play Store on July 28, 2013.
Many Modi supporters have been keenly playing the game and enjoying it.
Help Modi Run through all of the states including:
1. Gujarat
2. Maharashtra
3. Uttaranchal
4. Rajasthan
5. Kerala
6. Karnataka
7. Andhra Pradesh
8. Bihar
9. Utter Pradesh
10. Tamilnadu
11. Assam
12. Madhya Pradesh.
Help Modi win the election by running through all the election. If you are a fan of Modi or a supporter of BJP this is the app for you."
There is also a disclaimer by the makers that reads, "This game is not endorsed by Modi or BJP. This game is purely for entertainment made as parody of Indian elections."
The game is more like Super Mario than Temple Run though the name makes you feel that it's based on the latter. With the famous Arabian Sea in the background for the Mumbai part, Narendra Modi is seen running, jumping and trying to reach the ballot box as the player needs to help him become PM by clearing all 12 levels of the game.
Tarun Gandhi, 24, who likes playing adventure mobile games said, "The Modi Run game is a little amateur compared to the other games that are there on Play Store. But I'm sure Modi fans will download the game and love it."
- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, September 26, 2013
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