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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

SpyMeSat : New iOS App Goes Viral, Find Out If you Are Being Spied!

In :

The app for paranoids, here is another viral app which lets you know if you are being spied by any of the satellites! Yes, you are aware of them, the capability of some of those spy satellites are unmatched and to know if they are spying on you is worth it!!


The app, SpyMeSat, provides notifications when spy satellites and unclassified imaging satellites are zooming above your head and may be taking your picture.

All of the imaging satellites in SpyMeSat are in low-Earth orbit at an altitude of about 805 kilometres, reported.

Enabled SpyMeSat satellites include such zoom-lens notables as GeoEye, the French space agency's SPOT-5, India's CartoSat-2A, DigitalGlobe's WorldView satellites and Canada's RADARSAT-2.

"I actually got the idea for the app from talking to friends outside the aerospace industry who were always very interested in space and satellites and imaging from space. This app answers those questions in a fun and interactive way," said Alex Herz, president of Orbit Logic in Greenbelt, Maryland which developed the app.
So does it give you all the information? No, not yet, the details are the set of sattelites and their orbit information. The app is currently available only for iOS.

Although the classified satellites of countries are excluded from the list as there are no information about the location or orbit path of these machines. For the rest, the app collects data from North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).


Updated at: Tuesday, October 22, 2013


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