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Monday, November 25, 2013

Snowden Blow : 50000 Computers Hacked by NSA To Retreive Information

In :

Another blow by Edward Snowden has made the National Security Agency go to backfoot. The latest revelation by the whistleblower Snowden says that the agency has infected over 50,000 computers around the world with malware which could act as the information transmitter to NSA.

The latest claims come from a digital presentation slide, which show a world map highlighting hard computer networks and ‘world-wide implants’ under the category.

CNE (Computer Network Exploitation), NSA jargon for malware infections.

According to Mashable, NSA’s elite hacker team conducted these sophisticated spy attacks on networks including the one against Belgian telecom company Belgacom that was carried out by NSA’s UK ally, the GCHQ.

The report said that CNE includes enabling actions and intelligence collection via computer networks that exploit data gathered from target or enemy information systems or networks.

The ‘implants’ act as digital ‘sleeper cells’ that can be activated with a single push of a button.

The revelations by Snowden have severely impacted US ties with its allies apart from experiencing loss of trust from its own citizens.

We are just awaiting what more information may come by in few more hours!

Updated at: Monday, November 25, 2013


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