After the three day long turmoil, finally the Anna's followers does get justice from the government who are now forced to loosen up their terms. Anna Hazare's team members had a talk with the police officials and this did leave out the new formula for protest, which does allow him to continue his strike and protests for 2 weeks and also did allow him the much more spacious Ramleela Maidan.
Anna Hazare will still have to remain in Tihar Jail until the venue is prepared and ready for his protests to start. The leader was arrested two days earlier following the break of orders set out by Delhi Police. The police officials had set out unrealistic terms to carry out his fast strike against the government which included the terms like the strike shouldn't go beyond 3 days and they were allotted JP park a much more smaller venue and there was a limit of 5000 kept on the participants for the strike.
Police commissioner B K Gupta and the supporters of Anna had the discussion in late hours to arrive at this decision. Anna had to spent close to 40 hours to arrive at this decision, although the government did allow him to be released but the Gandhian leader refused to come out and continued his fast inside the jail premises. It was Kiran Bedi, who tweeted first about the Police decision to allow him with 15 days of time and she also mentioned that Anna would move to Ramleela maidan by 3pm today.
Sources do mention that the protests might not start today as the venue is mucked up and needs cleaning. The municipal commissioner of Corporation of Delhi, K. S. Mehra will be supervising the cleaning operations of the ground and this should be ready by evening. But there are still doubts on to whether the protest will start by today or not. The news is that Anna wouldn't be going to the venue unless the facilities like Tents, Drinking water, and other supplies are arranged as due to his mass following once the protests do start it might get troublesome to do these arrangements.
The medic team from Medanta Medicity, lead by Naresh Tehran has checked Anna's health and have certified it as OK for the protests. Later Kejriwal, the advocate to Anna, did mention that Anna has expressed his desire to go to the location at the earliest and he also confirmed that it would be OK to walk two kilometers. Anna had refused the checkup by GB Pant Hospital officials mentioning that they might move him out of jail mentioning health grounds.
Kejriwal also expressed his desire to the goverment to have the draft of Jan Lokpal bill to be presented before parliament for discussions, the bill was drafted by the civil society. Former Law minister and now an activist, Shanti Bhushan did express his delight on this matter and mentioned that the government does understand the cause and have agreed to Anna's demands for a reason! He also agrees that the draft put forward by the Civil society is not fully constitutional in the sense and this is the reason why they wanted a new draft to be placed for the parliament for better discussions, after having talked with Anna Hazare.
The news was spread around quickly and hundreds of supporters were gathered around the Tihar jail where Anna was camped. Following this rush, the Delhi Police did arrange a team of 250 members around the jail and also put 200 policement in standby. The bomb and dog squad did search the premises of Tihar Jail by surprise to keep the premises clean, the checks were reported to have happened around 3.30a.m.
There will be more news to come as Anna continues his fight!
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- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, August 18, 2011
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