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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Congress Hints a Foreign Hand!

In :

Following the mass support of Anna Hazare and the crew supporting him, the spokesman for AICC( All India Congress Committee) did mention the hand of US state in the support for Anna who has reached this state of popularity and this strong a movement as no other political or social worker has gained! This does sound to be a conspiracy theory but Alvi does add in points to support his theory. He did mention that there has been no events when the State Department in US have commented on any movement in India, but for the first time after 1947 has the US state department quoted against the government and have requested them to look into the civilian protests.

Alvi said:

 "Anna is alone. He has no organization. Then how did this movement start and grow? Who are these people spreading the word on internet and telephones; the way video message was recorded prior to arrest," he said, while adding, "The US had never spoken about any movement in India. This is the first time that it did. We show the path of democracy to others, what was the need for the US to say it. This has created suspicion"

The spokesman ruled out the possibility of genuine agitations of the common people against the the corrupted system and this movements were part of people who had been affected directly, Salvi said that these grievances should have been settled when the Jan Lokpal bill was tabled by the government for the drafting committee. 

It was not only Salvi who did mention this foreign hand being involved as mister Manmohan Singh, the honorable prime minister to India did mention that 

"We are emerging as one of the important players on the world stage. There are many forces that would not like to see India realize its true place in the comity of nations. We must not play into their hands."

When the PM did not mention any specific nation or persons, the AICC spokesman seem to have gone ahead with his remark and naming the nation which does seem to be bringing in more attention to the issue. The congress party also struck to their remarks that Anna was blackmailing the government to present the draft in parliament and this did sully the dignity of the House and this couldn't be tolerated.

The AICC spokesman did stress the point of an external hand and did mention that since the Independence of 1947, no other country has grown to the heights that India has done and this is the growth which does seem to fuel envious nations to support unrealistic demands.

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Updated at: Thursday, August 18, 2011


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