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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Vidya the Drunken Master!

In :

Sujoy Gosh had a shoot interrupted due to drunken master Vidya Balan interrupting the shoot. Sujoy had scheduled a photoshoot for his upcoming movie 'Kahani' with Vidya Balan, Vidya took this opportunity to reach the sets fully drunk and she was in a state where she was unable to stand on her feet. The director Sujoy was stunned at this sight and did not know how to handle the situation.

It took equal count of time to make him realize that this was pure acting talent of actress Vidya Balan which did surprise the director. The director was embarrassed to learn this fact as he was unable to catch the actress in act! This did tickle up the crowd surrounding the shoot and this was much a lighter moment for the crew. Also did he add that he will give full marks to the actress for her convincing act and this could never have been better!

Kahani is a movie which narrate the story of a women whose husband comes from London to India in search of job and goes missing. The character played by Vidya is of his pregnant wife who comes in search of her husband and the hassles they pass through.

Never doubt the master!

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Updated at: Wednesday, August 17, 2011


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