It seems that Shahid Kapoor's nightmare doesn't end with the storyline and boxoffice performance of 'Mausam' , now the lead actress of the movie, Sonam Kapoor has decided to bash the movie and has complained about the pace. It is said that the two actors did have differences during the shoot of the movie and Shahid had also complained that Sonam Kapoor was not keen enough to promote the movie.
It seems that the differences went wider with the box office performance and now when her movie 'Players' is ready to leash out, a magazine decided to ask about how she felt about the movie and she says "I think the pacing of Mausam was its biggest flaw. It wasn't something young kids would like to watch,"
We hope this subside the way it is, but we will certainly hear shortly from Shahid about what he feels about this comment.
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- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, January 05, 2012
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