Shah Rukh Khan who has his run with the movie 'Don 2' seems to be much happy about the fact that his movie will shortly be hitting the Rs. 100 crore mark. This is not the first for the actor, as he had proved this with Ra.One, which had also did a business of Rs. 100 Crore.
He still has the nostalgia of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jaayenge and thinks that during those days crores did not matter instead it was the number of days that the film show ran. He says on twitter "Was discussing with my DDLJ ('Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge') friend how we wished for a 100 days for our film... rather than Rs.100 crore. Seems our days are truly numbered now!!"
SRK who is currently on vacation with his family in Dubai seems to be much relaxed and he add to his post that "The excitement of working on a new script covers up the stress of daily chores. I think I was made to entertain... not be entertained,"
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- Unknown Updated at: Friday, January 06, 2012
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