The assault from Saif Ali Khan to Iqbal Meer Sharma has been the news for the past couple of days and the wife of this NRI businessman is heavily hurt with the comments that she has been receiving for her husband. She feels that this was not a overblown story and the truth still stays. She responded that “My husband doesn’t want to respond to everything Saif has to say. The episode has been very hard for him.”
This was in response to the comments by Saif Ali Khan, where he wished not to take this issue over to the court and treat this as a normal event and do an out of court settlement. He also added that he will like to settle things like men! “There has been too much noise about it, so we will sort it out between ourselves like men.” he says. Also in the light of his next movie, 'Agent Vinod' he doesn't want to get into any legal aspects. Although the actor strongly believes that these events wont be causing much of a trouble to the movie "It’s going to be terribly unfair to everybody who has worked on it. I think people don’t watch films out of love for actors only, they watch movies out of love for movies,"
Saif Ali Khan has gained in support of quite a few Bollywood celebrities and feel extremely happy that they came in to support him in the toughest moments. He named Salman Khan for making his experience the easiest when he thought it would have gone tougher. The actor is currently focusing on the promotions of Agent Vinod which is due to release by this month.
While the action is still on Tarina Patel also finds the comments from Kareena Kapoor, lady love of Saif Ali Khan offensive and she has took the opportunity to lash out at the actress “My husband is not some star-struck foreigner in India. He comes from the biggest political family in South Africa; he is Fatima Meer’s (the late anti-apartheid activist) nephew. Why should he know Saif or Kareena? He knows who Amitabh Bachchan is, or maybe Shah Rukh Khan. Beyond that, my husband or the rest of my family don’t know (anyone) from the industry, and nor do they care,” she said in an interview to Mumbai Mirror. Kareena had earlier said that Saif was provoked by Sharma. ‘I am sorry about Bebo’s stress level caused by our objection to their volume level,”
Bebo had called Sharma a publicity hungry person.
So thats how Tarina Patel feels and how Saif stands to settle, we will have to wait for what happens until Sharma returns from his business visit in South Africa.
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- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, March 01, 2012
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