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Monday, August 15, 2011

Celebrating Indian Independence!

In :

Happy Independence Day

The Indian Republic, which has diversity to define its uniqueness. We are proud to be hailing from a country which has 1.2 Billion people singing the national Anthem for the country, the country which has the vast heritage to hold the first of civilizations the world has discovered. The country which has biodiversity like none other, starting from the cold Himalaya's to the hottest beach of Kanyakumari, the country which has the third largest army in the world and the country who has been self dependent to a great extend!

The country which contributes 38% to its population of professionals to the world, the country which has 12% contribution to the count of scientists. The country known as spear head of technical know-how!

The country which invented the number system, the country which made the world aware of zero! The country which did have the world's first university, the country which uses Sanskrit, known to be the mother of all European  languages, we have the medicinal treatment known from 2500 years ago, the ayurveda scripts still has the detail of cures to which the chemical medicines are still struggling. 

The country who invented chess, the country who gave the idea of Dam to the world. The country where surgery happened before even west knew this is possible!

We are proud to be Indian, We salute the great nation we live in!

Disclaimer : The images courtesy is to the respective websites and we do not claim the ownership here! The views and comments are copyrighted to IndianViolets Ltd.

Updated at: Monday, August 15, 2011


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