Scarlett is all into Bartha!
Scarlett Johansson seems to be enjoying her single status. The actress was seen flirting with "The Hangover" star Justin Bartha recently.
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The recently claimed single status seems to be enjoyed most by Scarlett Johansson, she had recently divorced the pronounced actor Ryan Reynolds. She is seen now mostly in plays and the most recent link up news is with the 'Hangover' fame star Justin Bartha, they were spotted talking all night during a opening of play! Is this the break of new relationship for Scarlett?

Johansson - who has divorced actor Ryan Reynolds - attended the opening of Bartha's play "All New People" in New York City before joining him for a cast dinner at Cafe Un Deux Trois, where according to sources, they only had eyes for each other.
"There were about 15 people at the table, but Scarlett and Justin sat next to each other and talked all night. They seemed pretty fascinated with each other and only talked to each other," quoted a witness as saying.
"It looked sometimes flirty, but also they seemed to be involved in a deep discussion. They were completely engrossed in each other," the witness said.
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- Unknown Updated at: Saturday, July 23, 2011
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