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Friday, August 12, 2011

Amitabh Bachchan Sheds Tears!

In :

The latest event in the industry was the premiere of the movie Aarakshan, which had already broken rumors than any other movie in the recent history. The agitation, the protests, attacks all coming to a still when the premiere happened. The movie will now be shown in all part of the country but there has been few states that has been put up in exemption. This subject had brought tears to Amitabh Bachchan, he said that its a sad part of the story that the movie of such creative thoughts are restricted in certain places. 

He added that its not the movie that makes me feel bad, but it is the movements and protests that happen around the country without a proper know-how on what the movie subject speaks about. He said he was upset with the government to pass such a rule of not showing the movie, without actually analyzing the details of the movie. He had tweeted that:

T 460 -Back from  ..have cried at our helplessness in not making people understand that this art needs to be seen not banned !!

T 460 -When art exists at the begging mercy of politics and unreasonable objections to submit and smile .. pathetic but true !!

T 460 -My unabridged reaction to tonights happening and to Rajdeep Sardesai on my Blog .. Jalsa , Mumbai (cont) 

We feel the words with which Amit Ji had responded, we hope that the movie does become a hit.

The premiere function was also star studded with all stars coming in claiming their support on this issue and the movie.

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Updated at: Friday, August 12, 2011


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