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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Geeta Basra Fly's to England!

In :

The care and affection for Harbhajan Singh seems to be driving Geeta Basra crazy. The recent India-England test series saw Harbhajan Singh affected badly with his stomach muscle pull-up which has caused the player to stay back at the camp and rest. This news really made the actress too uneasy that she caught the next flight to England to meet her man!

The relationship of Harbhajan Singh and Geeta Basra has been a hide-n-seek game in which both parties have not declined or accepted the fact that they are in a relationship, but these little events just cements the rumors. The news is that Geeta was badly worried on hearing the news and wanted to meet Harbhajan.

The player had been sufferring bad from issues when he reached England and the latest stomach muscle pull up added to the trouble, this made the actress feel that she should be around to help him out. Further an insult to injury was when he was dropped from the T20 squad of India, so while he struggles through the stress, Geeta will surely assist him through.

Love Aaj Kal!

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Updated at: Tuesday, August 09, 2011


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