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Friday, November 4, 2011

Taslima pokes Priyanka, calls her father idiot!

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Controversial writer Taslima Nasreen has decided to take it on Priyanka Chopra's father, she has tweeted calling Priyanka's father an Idiot, this should be much more controversial as the writer is known to comment on sundry matters.

She writes, "Priyanka Chopra's father said, 'Priyanka is like a son to me'. What an uncouth idiot man! Daughter hatred not yet gone. I am waiting for the day when fathers would feel proud of their sons and say 'my son is like a daughter to me'."

She ends by quoting feminist Gloria Steinem, "We've begun to raise daughters more like sons..but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters."

It should be back to Priyanka for further views!

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Updated at: Friday, November 04, 2011


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