Apple on Monday announced that it had sold 9 million new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c models, just three days after the launch of the new devices on 20 September. The iPhone 5 had sold over 5 million devices over the launch weekend. Apple’s latest sales number is big, given that analysts had predicted that
Apple would sell between 6 million and 8 million models during the first weekend. In addition to that Apple’s new iOS 7 has seen over 200 million downloads, and Apple claims that the rate of upgrades from iOS 6 to iOS 7 is its fastest ever.Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO said in a press release. “The demand for the new iPhones has been incredible, and while we’ve sold out of our initial supply of iPhone 5s, stores continue to receive new iPhone shipments regularly.” Incidentally Tim Cook has just recently joined Twitter and he tweeted out about the success of the iPhone, though he didn’t mention numbers in the tweet. The news of iPhone 5s and 5c’s stellar success meant that Apple’s shares gained $24.35, or more than 5 percent, to hit $491.76 by afternoon trading. Apple’s shares are currently at 490.64 which is $23.23 or 4.97 percent higher. Apple also revised its financial forecast to reflect the higher sales, which is rare for the company.
- Unknown Updated at: Wednesday, September 25, 2013
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