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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Facebook Lifts Limits For Teenage Users

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Facebook lifts the limits it had set for younger or teenage users. The latest update from the social media site says that there will be no limit for posts and shares for teenage users from now. This news has come out as a boon to millions of young users who were finding it difficult with the limits turned on.


The recent statement from Facebook came saying "Teens are among the savviest people using of social media, and whether it comes to civic engagement, activism, or their thoughts on a new movie, they want to be heard,"

"While only a small fraction of teens using Facebook might choose to post publicly, this update now gives them the choice to share more broadly, just like on other social media services," the company said.

The competition for social media sites is bringing down facebooks otherwise ethical decision to limit the count of posts from people under the age of 18. Again they are not moving away from the policy and teens will be allowed to post only to a smaller group more frequently. Although they will have the option to choose to publish the data in "public" but there will be a warning displayed for the first few times of use.
Facebook did face challenge with the new internet revolution on to smartphones and applications like Whatsapp, Snapchat which has been gaining popularity among teenagers.

Updated at: Thursday, October 17, 2013


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