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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Google Chrome Security Vulnerability Can Listen, Process And Record Your Voice!

In :

A developer Tal Ater, an Israeli entrepreneur and web developer, found the bug on the web browser by chance. Ater was working on developing a speech recognition plugin when he discovered this bug and this is quite a serious one as well. Ater demonstrates that once you allow microphone settings for the browser, it remembers the setting for any other sites, without asking permissions!

So literally your conversations can be recorded live and the post also goes to say that the recording can be triggered using specific keywords as well, and whenever you speak one such keyword, the site can record the data and process it and also save/send it! Quite scary.

Google Chrome Is Listening
Google Chrome Vulnerability that allows hackers to record what you speak!
Tal Ater, did report this issue to google developers and as per his post. Google, the tech giant originally thanked him and even nominated him for a prize for his diligence. Along with this the bug fix was also developed by the google developers, after identifying the root issue, but unfortunately to-date, this has not been provided to end users.

  • Chrome Bug Lets Sites Listen to Your Conversations

    Youtube Rating: 4.6 out of 5 (1045 ratings)Stats 0 favorite(s); 199603 view(s)

    By exploiting bugs in Google Chrome, malicious sites can activate your microphone, and listen in on anything said around your computer, even after you've left those sites.

    Even when not using your computer - conversations, meetings and phone calls next to your computer may be recorded and compromised.
    Author: Tal Ater
    Published: 22 January 2014

On constant queries from Ater, he was updated that the issue is being discussed by Standards Group. The discussions are still going on how to launch the update without any legal issues, but till then the chrome browsers continue to be vulnerable!

Ater believes it is a major security concern, but Google seem to think otherwise. NDTV tried to replicate the problem and succeeded, highlighting the issue of the Google Chrome bug that allows hackers to record voice communications.


Updated at: Thursday, January 30, 2014


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