The first trailer of upcoming Malayalam Movie Pakida, the movie will see the first time pairing for Biju Menon and Asif Ali. Pakida directed by Sunil Karayattukara stars Biju Menon, Asif Ali, Aju Varghese and Malavika Sai in lead roles.
Pakida meaning Dice will be a action thriller and is produced by Sagar Shereef and Kartha Seagulf.
Pakida tells the story of five friends Aadi, Rafeeq, Pauly, Balu and CP who have done their degree in Automobile Engineering and are very close to each other. Among them Aadi, played by Asif Ali, has an affair. At this point of time, Aadi happens to meet mysterious and concealing traveler George Koshy Anthrapper and travels with him from Kochi to Madurai. On their way, two other characters Sunny and Kani enters, that change the plot of the story completely
The music is composed by Bijibal, and is scripted by Sreejith N and Rajesh R.
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Pakida directed by Sunil Karayattukara starring Asif Ali and Biju Menon in lead roles. Other cast includes Aju Varghese, Vishnu Raghav, Anjo Jose, Sajid, Shine Tom Chacko and Karmayodha fame Malavika Sai. The film is produced by Sagar Shereef and Kartha Seagulf. Music is scored by Bijibal....ext
Author: IndiaGlitz Malayalam Movies Interview | Trailer | Review | Gossip | Shooting Spot | Hot News Published: 13 January 2014
Pakida meaning Dice will be a action thriller and is produced by Sagar Shereef and Kartha Seagulf.
Pakida tells the story of five friends Aadi, Rafeeq, Pauly, Balu and CP who have done their degree in Automobile Engineering and are very close to each other. Among them Aadi, played by Asif Ali, has an affair. At this point of time, Aadi happens to meet mysterious and concealing traveler George Koshy Anthrapper and travels with him from Kochi to Madurai. On their way, two other characters Sunny and Kani enters, that change the plot of the story completely
The music is composed by Bijibal, and is scripted by Sreejith N and Rajesh R.
Pakida Malayalam Movie Official Trailer | Asif Ali, Biju Menon | Latest Movies
Pakida directed by Sunil Karayattukara starring Asif Ali and Biju Menon in lead roles. Other cast includes Aju Varghese, Vishnu Raghav, Anjo Jose, Sajid, Shine Tom Chacko and Karmayodha fame Malavika Sai. The film is produced by Sagar Shereef and Kartha Seagulf. Music is scored by Bijibal....ext
Author: IndiaGlitz Malayalam Movies Interview | Trailer | Review | Gossip | Shooting Spot | Hot News Published: 13 January 2014
- Unknown Updated at: Tuesday, January 14, 2014
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