Now as Don 2 closes in, it will be a chase for Shah Rukh Khan too, the recent news is that SRK has been named in a case registered in Kerala for obscene presentation of women in public. He along with the organizers are being accused of the act.
Shah Rukh Khan had recently visited Kerala to inaugurate 'Emmanuel Silks' which is Asia's largest textile showroom, and the causative event for the case happened when Shah Rukh Khan performed along with a set of foreign dancers, for the number 'Chammak Challo'. The complainant claims that the dancers were wearing obscene clothing when this happened.
Shah Rukh Khan had recently visited Kerala to inaugurate 'Emmanuel Silks' which is Asia's largest textile showroom, and the causative event for the case happened when Shah Rukh Khan performed along with a set of foreign dancers, for the number 'Chammak Challo'. The complainant claims that the dancers were wearing obscene clothing when this happened.
The case is registered under 'In-descent representation of Women Act', 1986. The case was filed by Mathew Saju Paulose, for having this event conducted in public. The event happened on 4th of December 2011. We hope SRK finds his way out!
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- Unknown Updated at: Thursday, December 22, 2011
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