Shahid Kapoor who has just returned from his vacation is upset about the rumors that is getting spread over him. There was a news that Vinod Chopra had approached the actor for his movie Chittiyan, which was eight months back, and according to reports Shahid Kapoor had rejected the movie then, as the script failed to meet expectations.
The latest rumor was that Shahid was writing to Vinod Chopra's production house asking for the script again and to work on it, a source close to Sasha says "Shasha feels people in Vinod Chopra's production house are spreading stories of how he is sending feelers for the script when he had refused the film eight months ago. Though he is interested in working with Vinod Chopra, Shahid wasn't keen on the script right from the beginning.
So they approached Ranbir Kapoor. As it turns out, even Ranbir is not too hot on the film either for the same reasons. So now people are spreading the news that both SK and RK are both competing for the same role which is not true at all. It's a two-hero film and Sharman Joshi has already signed on for one of the roles."
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- Unknown Updated at: Saturday, December 24, 2011
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