Akshay Kumar, the disciplined actor as he is known in the industry has been an equally dedicated father and a husband. This has been announced again and again by his action and words. Recently when IANS caught up with Akshay, he was all specific on what he needs in life and how he wants the life of his child mended. He is also specific on the lifestyle he will like to continue even in the midst of these hectic schedules.
Akshay says "He is too young. I want my son to be away from films. I want him to enjoy childhood. I want him to go and play football. Go on the beach and enjoy life,", the protective father in Akshay rose out when the reporter asked him whether he will like his son to be in movies. Akshay who has been playing the cool guy and party freak in movies doesn't seem to be liking the compromise of childhood fun for fame and money.
Also when asked about his mantra for the energetic performances and steady lifestyle he was quick to open his mind "I don't enjoy partying. I don't understand why they play music so loud. I like to sleep early. I go off to sleep by 9 to 9.30. I get up by 4.30 in the morning," the 44-year-old said. So that really explains how he has the disciplined schedule for his movies and shoots.
He is also glad to have a supporting family and he cracks a joke when asked about Twinkle's idea about him sleeping early "Twinkle sleeps by 8.45 in the night and thank god this is the only similarity that I and Twinkle share. Life becomes very calm when your partner sleeps at the same time. We share this one thing in common," he said.
Akshay Kumar who is currently doing Shirish Kunder's 'Joker' and Prabhu Deva's 'Rowdy Rathore' is having a busy schedule at the moment, he is also eagerly awaiting his multi starrer release 'Houseful 2' which is all packed to be a super hit!
All the best Akki!
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- Unknown Updated at: Saturday, March 24, 2012
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